So the day we have all been anticipating has come! I would like to announce that Mindy has been found! My family went to the Green Valley Book Fair yesterday and happen upon finding Mindy. My mom took the opportunity to bring her home to us. She is just tickled to be part of this blog with her friend Pickles! Her home away from home is located between Staunton VA and Harrisonburg VA. If you're curious about the book fair check out their website at: Its a great place to get pretty cheap older books. For further ado here are some snap shots of the girl herself, Mindy!
So on November 14th Pickles and I went with the Historic Preservation Department to Williamsburg VA. There we got to see the awesome archaeology conservation lab. Then we went to the DeWitt Wallace Museum at Colonial Williamsburg. Check Pickles out at the insane asylum that the museum use to function as.
On Friday the 19th Jessica pickles and Myself went on the first ever Pickles and Mindy Adventure! It was fitting to visit Belmont: Gari Melcher's home and art studio considering that was where I found/bought Pickles to begin with.
We got a private tour of both the Studio and the house and then got some pictures of Pickles on the Belmont Grounds. Enjoy!